Seymour Guado — Final Fantasy X — 3D print model STL

3D Print File Format: STL

Seymour Guado is a fictional character from the video game «Final Fantasy X,» developed and published by Square (now Square Enix). He serves as a major antagonist in the game’s storyline.

Seymour is a member of the Guado race, a humanoid species with distinctive features such as elongated ears and flowing white hair. He holds the title of Maester, a high-ranking position within the religious organization called Yevon.

Initially introduced as an ally, Seymour is revealed to have dark intentions and a lust for power. He seeks to bring about a «final summoning» to bring eternal peace to the world of Spira, but his methods are controversial and morally questionable.

Seymour possesses strong magical abilities and uses them in battle against the game’s main characters. He wields a unique staff and can summon powerful aeons, mystical creatures that aid him in combat. Seymour’s character design reflects his sinister nature, with his distinct appearance and dark attire.

Throughout the game, Seymour’s actions and motivations are explored, delving into his complicated backstory and family connections. He becomes a recurring antagonist, challenging the player’s party and posing a threat to their mission.

Seymour Guado is known for his complex and morally ambiguous nature, making him a memorable character in «Final Fantasy X.» His role in the game’s narrative showcases the themes of power, religion, and the consequences of one’s actions.