No Game No Life — Jibril — 3D print model STL

3D Print File Format: STL

Jibril is a prominent character in the anime and light novel series «No Game No Life.» Created by Yuu Kamiya, the series follows the adventures of Sora and Shiro, a brother and sister duo known as «Blank,» who are exceptional gamers in the virtual world. They are transported to the world of Disboard, where all conflicts are settled through games rather than violence.

Jibril is a Flugel, a race of angelic beings with immense knowledge and power. She serves as the library supervisor in the library of the heavens, which houses countless books and knowledge from different worlds. Jibril is characterized by her striking appearance, including large wings, elf-like ears, and long, flowing hair.

As a Flugel, Jibril possesses superior intelligence, magic, and combat abilities. She has lived for thousands of years and has accumulated vast knowledge from various worlds. Despite her knowledge, she initially underestimates Sora and Shiro’s gaming skills but becomes impressed when they defeat her in a game of chess. Jibril becomes intrigued by Blank’s abilities and ultimately decides to ally with them.

Throughout the series, Jibril assists Sora and Shiro in their various games and quests, often providing crucial information and support. She is a loyal and enthusiastic companion, and her interactions with Sora and Shiro add humor and charm to the story.

Jibril’s character has been well-received by fans of «No Game No Life» for her intelligence, magical prowess, and endearing personality. Her design and role in the series have made her one of the standout characters in the world of Disboard and an essential part of Sora and Shiro’s adventures.