Foxes Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female

Foxes Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female - DAZ 3D & Poser

Foxes Character Morph for Genesis 8.1 Female Daz 3D model

Foxes is a delicately baked and realistic skinny female character morph.

This package contains:

Foxes 8.1 (full morph)
Foxes 8.1 (head morph only)
Foxes 8.1 (body morph only)
Foxes 9 (full morph)*
* The Genesis 9 morph was created using RSSY’s Character Converter – it was put in there as extra content, it may not depict all the shape details you would otherwise find if using her original Genesis 8.1 Female shapes… mind to raise the subd. level to 3 and to scale both her eyes up to 108% if using Genesis 9.


#Foxes #Character #Morph #Genesis #Female

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