Serge — Chrono Cross — Square Enix — 3D print model STL

3D Print File Format: STL

Serge is a character from the video game «Chrono Cross,» developed by Square (now Square Enix) for the PlayStation console. «Chrono Cross» is a sequel to the popular game «Chrono Trigger.»

In «Chrono Cross,» Serge serves as the game’s protagonist. He is a young man who starts his journey in a coastal village called Arni. Serge embarks on a quest that takes him through parallel worlds, as he seeks to unravel the mysteries surrounding his identity and the nature of the dimensions he encounters.

Serge possesses unique abilities, such as the capacity to traverse between different dimensions and manipulate elements known as «Elements.» He is a skilled swordsman and capable of using various elemental-based attacks in battle.

Throughout the game, Serge interacts with a diverse cast of characters, forms alliances, and uncovers the truth behind the multiple dimensions he traverses. His actions and decisions shape the outcome of the story, leading to different branching paths and multiple endings.

Serge’s character development in «Chrono Cross» focuses on self-discovery, identity, and the nature of choice. He is portrayed as a determined and compassionate individual, driven by a desire to understand his place in the world and bring about a positive outcome.

Serge’s journey in «Chrono Cross» has made him a memorable character among fans of the game, as he navigates through complex narrative twists and battles formidable adversaries in his quest for answers.