Lord of Lust - 3D print model

Download 3D print model Lord of Lust STL free

Brathelathor (known sometimes as the Lord of Lust and sometimes as Lady Lust) is a succubus from a particularly nasty layer of Malor, where s/he ruled a small area from a foul, black tower. Brathelathor alternately appears as a male or female as his mood strikes. In his male form, he is 6’3″, blond, and muscular, albeit he has bat wings, horns, and fangs. In his female form, he is 5’7, blond, and very shapely and seductive, again with bat wings, horns, and fangs. Although all succubi can change form, Brathelathor has been granted by Vornoth the power to change just part of his form (he can elongate an arm for example) or to take an entirely new, non-humanoid form.

File Format: STL