Demon Slayer – Kamado Nezuko (竈門 禰豆子) - 3D print model

Download 3D print model Demon Slayer – Kamado Nezuko (竈門 禰豆子) STL free

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Kamado Nezuko – deytagonist and protagonist of the manga, anime and productions Demon Slayer, as well as the protagonist of the full-length cartoon “Demon Slayer: Endless Train”.

As a human, Nezuko was a kind and caring girl who thought of others before herself, like her older brother, Tanjiro, and was a responsible older sister to her younger siblings. However, Nezuko is not afraid to take risks in protecting her friends from demons even after returning to human form.

However, upon becoming a demon, Nezuko seems to have forgotten much of her human memories, other than those related to her family, and therefore did not retain the personality she had before her transformation. She is still very caring and protective towards the people she considers her family members, although this is mainly due to the influence Sakonji Urokodaki had on her while she slept for two years. Nezuko has also retained some of her human emotions: she has been seen crying when she is sad and smiling when she is happy, but overall she appears to be more aloof than her fellow humans, although she is still much calmer and less vicious than most demons. .