Ahsoka Tano Samurai – Star wars
Ahsoka Tano Samurai – Star wars - 3D print model
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Ahsoka Tano, nicknamed Snips by Anakin Skywalker, is a female Togruta who became his Padawan. Ahsoka participated in the defeat of the Separatists on Christophsis, surviving a brief encounter with the Dark Jedi Asajj Ventress during the battle on the planet Teth. Ahsoka also helped Anakin in his mission to save the Hutt’s son Jabba, which became a guarantee of peace between the Republic and the Hutts.
As a result of her training at the Jedi Temple and her experience during the Clone Wars, Ahsoka learned that acting on orders and instructions was not enough, and in some situations, courage and stratagem were required to solve a problem. Apparently, the formation of Ahsoka’s character was influenced by her communication with the impulsive Anakin and the balanced Obi-Wan.
She later resigned from the Jedi Order around 20 BBY after she was first found guilty of the Jedi Temple attack and then acquitted after discovering that Barriss Offee was the real culprit.
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